
The AKUTNĚ.CZ Endowment Fund is a legal entity. Its relations are governed by Act No. 227/1997 Coll. on foundations, endowment funds, and other generally binding legal regulations, the fund's charter and Statute.

Objectives of the Endowment Fund

The AKUTNĚ.CZ Endowment Fund was established by Masaryk University with its registered office at Žerotínovo nám. 9, 601 77 Brno, for the purpose of:

  • general development of education in the field of acute medicine
  • development of education, science, research and development at Masaryk University
  • the development of the AKUTNĚ.CZ internet teaching and publishing portal

For this purpose, it raises funds mainly from donations from individuals and legal entities and from the proceeds of charitable events.

Activities of the AKUTNĚ.CZ Endowment Fund

  1. Use and appreciation of the fund's assets exclusively in accordance with § 21 and § 23 of Act No. 227/1997 Coll., the management of the Foundation's assets.
  2. Evaluation of projects for the purpose of providing financial resources, evaluation of the use of the provided resources.
  3. Operation and development of the AKUTNĚ.CZ [ISSN 1803-179X] Internet teaching and publishing portal
  4. Public presentation of the results of the Fund's activities, including in relation to donors.

Governance and asset management

The assets of the AKUTNĚ.CZ Endowment Fund are managed by a nine-member board, which also manages its activities, decides on all matters of the fund and is the statutory body of the NF. Contributions from the fund may be made only on the basis of a decision of the Board in accordance with the purpose for which the fund was established.